Sunday, June 8, 2008


So tomorrow is the big day... or will it be? My visa still hasn't come back from the Malian embassy yet. GAH! I'm calling first thing tomorrow and hoping it arrives JUST in time to get to the airport. But it's looking like my departure may be delayed by a few days, unfortunately. 
In the meantime, I've long since finished finals and have been spending the last few weeks with friends squatting in their apartment after Brown kicked me out of dorms. I just came up to Boston last weekend and bought an entire wardrobe at a local thrift shop in anticipation of many adventures in red dust mud in Sikoro. I also just got a new pair of glasses with transition lenses for those sunny days (I needed a new pair anyway and who can say no to instant sunglasses, really?) 
So for now, I'm in Jamaica Plains at a friend's apartment waiting to find out the fate of my trip. For all you as well, I will certainly keep you posted. Keep your fingers crossed!
X  Ben  X

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