Thursday, June 26, 2008


Brief, but worth it. Click the title of this posting ("Photos!") to go to the website where I'm adding photos. Only a few for now - it takes forever to upload. Hope you enjoy. :)
X Adama X


Unknown said...

Loved the pictures Ben - or are you back to being Adama? It really showed a slice of the life you are living. Not sure which I liked more - the tattoo or the new boubou! Keep those cards and letters coming - I look forward to reading all about it.

Anonymous said...

Dear Ben,
we look forward daily for your most interesting stories about your Mali adventures. we then print it out and save it. We may be dreaming but it has the feel of a great book for your senior thessis. There certainly is a bit of difficulty with your intergrating with some of the community,but you are making inroads. There is a book in the making.
We look forward to each issue and love it better than before, Your writing skills are improving daily and it makes thereader feel that she is participating in their lives. Stay well and keep on findinf new things in that barre country and help the natives to live a better life Love Nana And Poppa.